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Industry Focused, Industry Led

London is creative and innovative and so are we. That's why we've developed our Study Tours to offer Universities, Colleges Sixth Forms, Senior High Schools and Training Providers something different. We know that providing your students with study abroad opportunities can present challenges which is why we have created Study Tours that are affordable, offer excellent value, provide experiences to enhance your students development, offer an English experience with multicultural exposure,  and support both small and large group sizes.


For example, on a Set Date Study Tour, you only need to manage the logistics and expense of visiting  one country, yet your students gain the benefit of exposure to multiple cultures. By offering your study tour group the opportunity to mix with groups from different countries and cultures, we believe we promote respect and tolerance along with learning experiences that are significantly enhanced by gaining perspectives from a range of diverse students and their teachers.  

At London Study Tours, we bring together talented Industry Facilitators with the expertise and know-how to enhance your study tour participants' academic, professional and career development. And we provide your students with an industry immersion experience by basing your study tour in a venue that's just right for your group.

Students also benefit from site visits and excursions to venues and organisations across London, as this dynamic and leading-edge, global capital, becomes our extended campus. London's diversity, multiculturalism, world class facilities and cutting edge professionalism attracts the best of the world's business and creative practitioners.  Our innovative industry leaders push the boundaries, whether it's new technology, new products or new business, making London the ideal place to study and learn new skills to keep you ahead of the competition.

And we add London's historic sights and contemporary and traditional cultural scenes into the mix, providing your students with a truly comprehensive opportunity to expand their horizons and experience a diverse new world. We offer Set Programme Study Tours as well as Tailored options to meet your group's varied budgets and preferences.


A London Study Tour offers more than just an educational programme - it’s a global life experience, meeting and mixing with other international groups in the worlds leading global city.


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